Yu Haino「I’ll fucking love you.」2023.12.2.sat~12.10.sun

Yu Haino Exhibition “I’ll fucking love you.”
2023.12.2.sat~12.10.sun 11:00-19:00


I am completely fascinated by the creature called Aplysia.
Every time I learn about them or touch them, I feel a new excitement and joy.
My goal is to incorporate them into myself through collection, breeding, dissection, etc.,
and to express their beauty using various techniques such as painting, illustration, three-dimensional photography, and photography.
Although I feel embarrassed because their expressions of affection are still too immature, I would be happy if I could convey their charm even a little.
(Although it is referred to as “they” in the text, Aplysia is a hermaphrodite, so all individuals are male and female.)

Yu Haino

Exhibition overview

I am falling.
While they are calm, undisturbed, drifting, only I am covered in raging passion.

I give form to my crawling greed and visualize idols.
I am absorbed in the beauty of the beautiful, and I capture it through my retinas.
Swallowing everything, revealing each and every cell, delicately revealing immature love.

Pour it out even if you are rejected. Blindly.


  1. Hara shiba solo exhibition “You don’t need to know the feelings like this.” 2022.2.8.tue~2.14.mon

  2. NAOAKI OKAMOTO exhibition “ART is in YOU” 2022.4.23.sat~5.1.sun

  3. Aretokore Coko exhibition “Wine Top Art – Somewhere on the Earth -” 2022.10.29.sat-11.6.sun

  4. RYUTA・T “Short Story” 2022.1.8.sat ~1.16.sun

  5. TASSEI FURUYA solo exhibition “KEEP HEAT” 2023.11.15.wed-11.20.sun

  6. Roxana Naramzi solo exhibition 「Hearts Voice」 2021.12.12.sun~12.19.sun